Jan 30, 2019
Adam Van Klei
My year as an exchange student in Chile

Adam talked us through his year and shared some of his photo’s. He told us all about his experiences from the tropical climates of Easter

Island - an experience shared with other Rotary Students, to the highlight of his year - a five-hour trek up the Andes with one of his host families. A visit to St Pedro - the driest desert, the salt caves and

floating in the salt baths.

Adam’s was able to share Chile with his family during their two-week visit. He has come back determined to revisit the area again one day and said this experience was incredible.

He is ready for his next step in life - heading off to Canterbury University to study Engineering.

Adam left us wearing an empty blazer, but came back wearing it covered in the mementos of his travels - something he will treasure.

Adam enthusiastically thanked club members for this life changing opportunity.